Colossians - James

Colossians - How does Paul advise the Colossians to put on the ‘new man’ of Christ?
By avoiding sin, mortifying the flesh and practicing virtues in charity
1 Thessalonians - What reason does Paul give the Christians for constantly living a holy life of prayer?
The day of the Lord’s second coming will come unexpectedly so they must always be ready
2 Thessalonians - What does Paul reveal must take place before Christ’s second coming?
The revolt led by the ‘man of sin’ (anti-Christ)
1 Timothy - What is the primary purpose of this epistle?
To guide Bishop Timothy in the qualifications for bishops, priests and deacons
2 Timothy - What does Paul say the wicked men of the last days will love more than God?Pleasure
2 Timothy - What does Paul identity as the two sources of Christ’s truth?The ‘sound words’ from Paul (Tradition) and the inspired scripture
Titus - What is the general theme of this Epistle?The right conduct of clergy and laity in all vocations of life
Philemon - What does Paul ask Philemon to do?To pardon his runaway slave Onesimus who has become a convert to Christianity and helper of Paul
Hebrews - What does Paul trace Christ’s priesthood to?That of Melchisedech who preceded the Old Covenant Law of Moses
Hebrews - How does Paul characterize Christ in this Epistle?As the High Priest who offered Himself as the one perfect sacrifice for the sins of man
James - What is the major theme of James (2:26)?Faith without works is dead
James - What destructive part of the body does James say man cannot tame?The tongue