1 Peter - What are the two major themes of St Peter’s first epistle | Exhortations to holiness and obedience |
2 Peter - Against what two groups does St Peter warn in this epistle? | False teachers and those who reject or abandon the fight against the devil and sin |
2 Peter - What does St Peter say about the meaning of Holy Scripture (1:20)? | “No prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation" |
1 John - What is the major theme of this epistle? | Charity (love) toward one another |
1 John - What sacrament doe St John specifically mention since all are sinners (1:9)? | Confession of sins |
2 & 3 John - What general themes are found in these two epistles? | Exhortations to charity and holiness and warnings against false teachers and teachings |
Jude - What does St Jude urge Christians to do against heretical teachings (1:3)? | “To contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints” |
Jude - What is the primary motivation of the ungodly heretics? | “Walking according to their own desires” |
Revelation (Apocalypse) - What does the first part of St John’s book consist? | Commendations and warnings to the seven major Churches of Asia Minor |
Revelation (Apocalypse) - What does the majority of Revelation reveal? | The punishments and events of the Last Days before the Second Coming of Christ |
Revelation (Apocalypse) - What does the final two chapters of the book describe? | A new heaven and a new earth (a new Jerusalem) |