Ecclesiasticus - Baruch

Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) - What is the purpose of this book?To give specific lessons in how to live “according to the Law of the Lord”
Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) - How does the author specifically accomplish his purpose in writing?
He describes each virtue and vice with their accompanying results in life
Isaias (Isaiah) - What is the summary of Isaiah’s message to his people, the Jews?
A call to repentance with a warning of punishment for their rebellion and idolatry
Isaias (Isaiah) - Who does Isaiah prophecy about in detail?Christ, the Church and His Kingdom
Jeremias (Jeremiah) - What is the major theme of Jeremiah’s prophecies?The punishment of Jerusalem and the Jews for their sins and a call to repent
Jeremias (Jeremiah) - How do the Jewish leaders react to the prophet’s preaching?Jeremiah is persecuted and eventually killed
Lamentations - What is the theme of this book?Jeremiah’s bemoaning the punishment of his rebellious people and the destruction of Jerusalem
Baruch - What are the themes of this book?The justice of God in punishing the Jews and the promised regathering of a holy Israel