Latina Christiana II Vocabulary

villa, ae, F farmhouse village, villain 6
umbra,ae, F shadow umbrella 6
tuba, ae, F trumpet tube 6
sella, ae, F chair 6
fabula, ae, F story fable, fabulous 6
Lucia, ae, F Lucy 6
porta, ae, F gate, door porch, portal, porthole 6
provincia, ae, F province 6
scientia, ae, F knowledge science, conscience, conscious, omniscient 7
taberna, ae, F shop tavern, tabernacle 7
tabella, ae, F tablet 7
poeta, ae, M poet poetry 7
natura, ae, F nature natural 7
epistula, ae, F letter epistle 7
agricola, ae, M farmer agriculture 7
janua, ae, F door Janus, janitor, January 7
culina, ae, F kitchen culinary, kiln 7
cithara, ae, F harp guitar 7
ara, ae, F altar 7
casa, ae, F cottage casino 7
ager, agri, M field (agricultural) agriculture 8
magister, magistri, M teacher, master magistrate, magisterium, majesty 8
Gallus, i, M a Gaul 8
apostolus, i, M apostle 8
liber, libri, M book library 8
lupus, i, M wolf 8
Marcus, i Mark 8
Christianus, i a Christian 8
Romanus, i, M a Roman 8
vicus, i, M town, village vicinity 8
puer, pueri, M boy puerile 9
vir, viri, M man virtue, virile, virtual, triumvirate 9
saeculum, i, N time, period, age, world secular 9
Evangelium, i, N gospel evangelist, evangelical, evangelism 9
principium, i, N beginning, foundation principle, principle 9
scutum, i, N shield escutcheon (coat of arms shield) 9
studium, i, N enthusiasm, zeal, learning study, student, studious, studio 9
angelus, i, M angel angelic 9
periculum, i, N danger, peril peril, perilous 9
mandatum, i, N commandment mandate, mandatory 9
circum, (prep. w. acc.) around, about 10
trans, prep. w. acc. across 10
ab, a, prep. w. abl. from, away from 10
in, prep. w. acc. or abl. in, on, into, against 10
cum, prep. w. abl. with 10
sine, prep. w. abl. without 10
ad, prep. w. acc. to, toward, near 10
per, prep. w. acc. through 10
de,prep. w. abl. down from 10
eram (Imperfect of sum) I was 11
ero (Future of sum) I will be 11
sum I am 11
sto, stare, steti, status stand stable, station, status 12
tempto, (1) tempt temptation 12
nato, (1) swim natatorium (indoor swimming pool) 12
servo, (1) guard, keep conserve, conservative 12
voco, (1) call vocation, vocal, vocabulary 12
do, dare, dedi, datus give donate, donation, donor 12
erro, (1) err errant, erratic, aberration 12
exspecto, (1) wait for expectation 12
saluto, (1) greet salutation, salute 12
aro, (1) plow arable 12
teneo, tené salute hold tenant, tenacious 13
caveo, cavéacious guard against, beware of caution 13
valeo, valést, beware of am well, am strong valiant, valuable 13
placeo, placéable please pleasant, placid 13
augeo, augélacid increase augment 13
maneo, manélacid remain, stay mansion 13
rideo, ridéy laugh ridicule, ridiculous 13
respondeo, respondés respond, answer respond, respond 13
moneo (2) warn monitor, admonish 13
fleo, fléadmonish cry, weep feeble 13
vivo, vivere live revive, vivid, revival 14
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus lead, guide duke, duchess, abduct, aqueduct, conduct 14
bibo, bibere drink bib, beverage, imbibe 14
rego, regere rule regal, direct 14
pono, ponere, posui, positus put, place, set exponent, position, postpone 14
trado, tradere hand over, deliver up tradition 14
cado, cadere fall cadence, cascade 14
credo, credere believe credible, incredible, creed, credit 14
curro, currere run current, currency, concurrent 14
ago, agere do, drive, act, treat agent, agile 14
scribo, scribere write scribe, describe, postscript, scripture, scribble 15
vinco, vincere, vici, victus conquer convict, invincible 15
cano, canere sing canticle, cantata 15
claudo, claudere shut clause, close, closet, claustrophobia 15
defendo, defendere defend defensive, defense, defendant 15
tollo, tollere take away, raise up tolerance 15
peto, petere seek, beg petition 15
edo, edere eat edible 15
mitto, mittere, misi, missus send mission, missionary, emit, omit, admit, transmit, submit, permit 15
dico, dicere say, tell dictionary, dictator, predict, verdict, contradict 15
scio, (4) know science, conscience, conscious 16
finio (4) finish final, finite 16
aperio, aperire open aperture 16
audio, (4) hear audition,auditorium, audible, audience 16
sentio, sentire feel, perceive, think sensitive, resent, sentimental, sentiment 16
dormio, (4) sleep dormitory, dormant, dormer 16
punio, (4) punish punitive 16
impedio, (4) hinder impediment 16
venio, venire come advent, intervene, event 16
munio, (4) fortify, construct ammunition, munitions 16
ubi where 17
hodie today 17
cur why 17
sed but 17
quid what 17
nihil nothing 17
heri, adv. yesterday 17
cras, adv. tomorrow 17
quis who 17
quod because 17
mos, moris M custom moral 18
voluntas, voluntatis, F will, good will voluntary 18
pastor, pastoris, M shepherd pastoral 18
clamor, clamoris, M shout, shouting clamor, clamorous, exclamation 18
virgo, virginis, F virgin 18
senator, senatoris, M senator 18
piscator, piscatoris, M fisherman 18
timor, timoris, M fear timorous, timid, intimidate 18
orator, oratoris, M speaker, orator orator, oratorio, oratory 18
lectio, lectionis, F lesson lecture 18
panis, panis, M bread pantry, companion 19
tentatio, tentationis, F temptation temptation 19
dux, ducis, M leader duke, duke, aqueduct 19
libertas, libertatis, F freedom, liberty 19
custos, custodis, M guard custody, custodian 19
sol, solis, M sun solar, solstice, parasol 19
caritas, caritatis, F love, charity care, charity 19
passio, passionis, F suffering passion 19
arbor, arboris, F tree arboretum, arbor 19
pes, pedis, M foot pedal, centipede, pedestrian, impede, impediment 19
mens, mentis, F mind mental 20
dens, dentis, M tooth dental, dentist 20
ars, artis, F art, skill artist, artificial 20
civis, civis, C citizen civil, civilian, civilian 20
avis, avis, F bird aviation, aviator, aviary 20
sedes, sedis, F seat, abode sedentary, sedimentary 20
orbis, orbis, M world, orbit, circle orbit 20
finis, finis, M end, boundary finish, definite 20
ovis, ovis, F sheep 20
nix, nivis, F snow 20
rus, ruris, N countryside rural 21
cor, cordis, N heart cordial, core, courage 21
carmen, carminis, N song 21
sal, salis, M salt, sea water saline 21
ver, veris, N spring vernal 21
iter, itineris, N journey, march, route itinerary 21
flumen, fluminis, N river fluid 21
opus, operis, N work, deed operator, operation 21
vulnus, vulneris, N wound vulnerable, invulnerable 21
tum then, at that time 22
fons, fontis, N fountain, spring, source font, fount 22
statim immediately 22
os, oris, N mouth oral, orifice 22
undique from all sides 22
autem however 22
itaque therefore 22
etiam also, even 22
diu, adv. for a long time 22
jus, juris, N right jury, just, injure 22
fructus, us, M fruit, profit, enjoyment fruit 23
exercitus, us, M army exercise 23
spiritus, us, M spirit spiritual 23
portus, us, M harbor port, seaport 23
usus, us, M use, experience 23
senatus, us, M senate 23
adventus, us, M arrival, coming advent, adventure 23
equitatus, us, M cavalry equestrian 23
lacus, us, M lake 23
impetus, us, M attack impetuous 23
meridies, ei, M midday, noon meridian 24
spes, spei, F hope despair, desperado 24
facies, faciei, F face facial, façiei, F 24
dies, diei, M day dial, diary 24
res, rei, F thing real, republic 24
fides, fidei, F faith, loyalty fidelity, infidel 24
acies, aciei, F battle line 24
almus, a, um nurturing, kindly 25
laetus, a, um happy, glad, joyful 25
clarus, a, um clear, bright, famous clarity, clearance, clarify, clarinet 25
Romanus, a, um Roman 25
albus, a, um white albino 25
cupidus, a, um eager, desirous Cupid, cupidity 25
verus, a, um true verily, verify, verdict 25
alienus, a, um foreign, unfavorable alien, alienate 25
Christianus, a, um Christian 25
beatus, a, um blessed beatitude 25