Vocabulary Exercises 1
calligraphy - fine handwriting
cartography - mapmaking
epigram - short saying
graphic - evoking lifelike images
holography three - dimensional image
monogram - design composed of one or more initials
monograph - scholarly study
seismograph - instrument for measuring earthquake vibrations
stenography - short hand writing
typography - appearance of a printed page
ultimatum - final offer
canard - false report
inert - inactive
immemorial - extending back beyond memory
desolate - uninhabited
Vocabulary Exercises 2
deploy - place military troops
lassitude - weariness
haze - unclear
ply - address someone urgently
acuteness - quick mind
belligerent - seeking conflict
detonation - explosion
pinnacle - highest point
clamor - cry out
bevy - any group
lurid - glowing
bawl - to call out noisily
reins - controlling
commend - to express a good opinion
foreboding - prediction of something bad
Vocabulary Exercises 3
fusillade - simultaneous firing of weapons
contagion - spreading of a disease
precipitate - cause to happen
silhouette - figure seen against a light background
apparition - anything that appears unexpectedly
reverberation - reechoed sound
insensate - not capable of feeling sensation
exultant - triumphant
imminent - likely to happen soon
desist - stop
avail - take advantage of
torrent - very heavy fall of rain
repugnance - distaste
conveyance - a transport or carrier
Vocabulary Exercises 4
minute - small
colossus - huge
disgorge - empty
lethargy - great lack of energy
torpor - state of being inactive
obscurity - lack of clearness or visibility
perplexingly - with confusion or hesitancy
furtively - secretly
cowl - hood
scintillate - reflect brightly
consume - devour
gaunt - starved
indiscriminate - failing to clearly choose
battery - basic unit of military personnel
dissuade - persuade not to do something
Vocabulary Exercises 5
assiduously - carefully
expostulate - argue
vicar - a parish priest
formidable - inspiring fear
obliquely - with a change of direction
portmanteau - suitcase
exultation - celebration
decapitate - to remove one's head
intricate - full of elaborate detail
patent - obvious
intermittently - periodically
froth - churn
inaudibly - not able to be heard
confluence - where rivers join
Vocabulary Exercises 6
basin - low area on Earth's surface
salinity - saltiness
crest - highest point of a wave
trough - lowest point of a wave
breaker - ocean wave that collapses
tide - the rise and fall of the sea level
photosynthesis - compound produced through light
pollutant - a poison
radiation - method of transmitting or spreading something
stratosphere - atmosphere that contains ozone
dew point - temperature at which water vapor condenses
cirrus h - igh altitude clouds
cumulus - low-lying puffy white clouds
cumulonimbus - anvil shaped clouds
Vocabulary Exercises 7
dearth - scarce supply
gratify - satisfy
choleric - easily angered
threshold - entrance
wreak - inflict punishment upon
stoic - unemotional
vendetta - destructive feud
condone - excuse
robust - strong
panoply - striking array
confer - to present
poignant - touching
mettle - spirit
withhold - restrain
vindictive - revengeful
Vocabulary Exercises 8
travesty - humorous imitation
impose - to apply by force
piquant - spicy
diatribe - abusive denunciation
appease - quieten
sumptuous - lavish
hedonism - pursuit of
castigate - inflict severe punishment
orotund - full in sound
brink - edge
pluck - daring
wrest - obtain by pulling
brazen - shameless
harridan - vicious
encumber - to place a heavy load on
Vocabulary Exercises 9
wan - unnaturally pale
ploy - devious action
jostle - push
stringent - severe
catastrophe - a great calamity
nettle - stinging hairs
ostentatious - very showy display
glut - fill beyond capacity
incense - infuriate
severe - strict
precipice - steep cliff
retaliate - to pay back
peevish - contrary
verge - border
rehabilitate - restore to good health
Vocabulary Exercises 10
pacific - peaceful
toady - flatterer
endow - to give
obsequious - fawning
rectify - to set right
circumspection - carefully considering
remonstrance - protest
hem - surround
lethargic - lack of energy
rout - to cause to flee
aghast - horrified
manifest - obvious
radiate - to send out
timorous - timid
instantaneous - done immediately
Vocabulary Exercises 11
masonry - brick
scullery - room next to kitchen
rampart - defense against attack
aspect - point of view
agile - moving easily
rendering - drawing
dexterous - skillful
endeavor - to strive
convulsive - involuntary spasms
physiological - workings of the body
heterogeneous - make of different elements
fluctuation - unsteady motion
supersede - to make obsolete
defunct - no longer used
caricature - representation of a person
Vocabulary Exercises 12
incur - to bring on oneself
vitiate - weaken
efficacious - effective
importunity - persistent urgent demands
anemic - lacking vitality
elemental - most basic
contrivance - invention
oscillate - swing from side to side
impart - give
acute - sharp
enigma - perplexing
culminate - climax or end
atrocity - cruel action
vestige - sign
forethought - thinking ahead
Vocabulary Exercises 13
oust - force out
tussle - cuffle
cajole - coax
rudimentary - basic
paradoxical - full of contradictions
implore - ask
copiously - abundantly
intolerable - unbearable
parch - dry
ebb - decline
despondent - without hope
inconclusive - not leading to a definite result
phantasm - ghost
sumptuous - splendid
frond - palm
Vocabulary Exercises 14
covet - long for with envy
teeter - to rock
lurid - vivid or harsh
dominate - rule
dethronement - act of ousting
exuberance - excitement
succumb - yield
circuitously - indirectly
singularly - uniquely
dexterous - skillful
cell - small unit
organelles - tiny organs
cell wall - outermost boundary of a cell
nucleus - center of a cell
chromosomes - carries the traits of a cell
Vocabulary Exercises 15
chlorophyll - green substance in plants
enzyme - body protein
weight - measure of the force
cleavage - groove between parts
gravity - attractive force
fracture - to break
titanium - lightweight metal
pique - arouse
equivocate - lie
opulent - luxuriant
dandy - a dude concerned with his clothes
gesticulate - express through movement
diffident - shy
ruse - trickery
conjure - exaggerated dignity
Vocabulary Exercises 16
pompous - vain or stuck up
frippery - elegance
emit - to give off
resplendent - splendid
glint - sparkle
strut - walk proudly
vociferous - crying out loudly
perfidy - treachery
ravage - devastate
boorish - ill-mannered
myriad - innumerable
hoodwink - deceive
vocal - spoken
locution - word or phrase
devastate - destroy
Vocabulary Exercises 17
staid - great dignity
AD - Anno domini
BC - Before Christ
bicentennial - two hundredth anniversary
centennial - one hundredth anniversary
century - one hundred years
chronology - events in order
decade - ten years
generalization - broad conclusion
historian - studies the past
barometer - measures air pressure
bathysphere - sphere-shaped diving vessel
lens - transparent object that bends light
palpable - able to be handled
Vocabulary Exercises 18
vitality - energetic
indolently - lazily
slender - thin
doggedly - persistently
crags - uneven parts of cliffs
opaque - not able to be seen through
gargoyle - decorative monster
cultivated - refined
baronial - suitable for nobility
cossack - skilled Russian horsemen
lacerated - torn roughly
mantle - thickest layer inside Earth
tsunami - destructive tidal wave
Vocabulary Exercises 19
projectile - object thrown or shot
centripetal - tendency to move to the center
antibiotic - stops growth of microorganisms
biopsy - removal of living tissue
biosphere - atmosphere in which living things exist
microbe - tiny life form
symbiosis - beneficial relationship
vivacious - lively
vivid - intense
edifice - building
alleviate - make bearable
viable - practicable
agenda - a plan
infiltrate - to enter maliciously
sultry - hot
Vocabulary Exercises 20
itinerary - plan for a journey
sustain - support
transient - passing with time
levity - humor
quaff - to drink heartily
hardy - vigorous
valor - bravery
malign - to make untrue statements
demure - shy
edict - having the force of law
permeate - penetrate
audacious - outrageous
malaise - sense of unease
evict - expel
pugnacious - belligerent
Vocabulary Exercises 21
oration - formal speech
avert - to prevent
craven - cowardly
humility - meekness or a lack of pride
exhort - spur on
impediment - obstruction
embellish - decorate
pith - sponge-like inside of flower
luminous - bright or glowing
subside - sink to a lower level
homage to pay respect
rebuke - to reprimand
wiles - tricks
rant - emotional speech
snare - trap
Vocabulary Exercises 22
isthmus - narrow strip of land
lurk - wait out of sight
entice - lure
gorge - deep valley
assemble - to gather together
omnivorous - eating anything
sinister - wicked
clandestine - done in secret
strait - narrow passage of water
vivacious - lively
timorous - fearful
savory - tasty
role - an assumed character
bland - tasteless
gourmand - glutton
Vocabulary Exercises 23
covey - small flock of birds
waylay - ambush
indefatigable - unwearying
aplomb - great composure
stymie - stump
arduous - difficult
cistern - receptacle for holding water
flag - cloth with a distinct design
inscrutable - mysterious
quandary - perplexity
curtail - abbreviate
sheepish - embarrassed
surplus - excess amount
truncate - to shorten
garish - tacky
Vocabulary Exercises 24
chagrin - embarrassment
garrulous - wordy and rambling
enigma - riddle
deplete - empty out
sanctimonious - self-righteous
languish - lose strength
incessant - continuous
magnanimity - kind-heartedness
rainforest - forest with abundant rainfall
deforestation - large-scale cutting down of forests
dike - dam or levee
fallow - not cultivated
personification - giving human characteristics
exposition - explanation
setting - where a story takes place
Vocabulary Exercises 25
persistent - unrelenting
fatuous - foolish
petulant - impatient
ferocity - savage
dissentient - against the majority
satchel - small bag
drawl - speak very slowly
scheme - plan in a deceitful way
beckon - silent gesture
turbulent - wildly irregular motion
retch - vomit
perpetuate - cause to continue
affluence - abundance of riches
consent - give permission
lavish - give generously
Vocabulary Exercises 26
placid - calm
recoil - shrink back
meager - small amount
expanse - open area
degrade - bring to dishonor
blatant - brazenly obvious
imperceptible - difficult to detect
deteriorate - to become worse
perusal - casual reading
aggregation - group of people
unprecedented - never before seen
din - harsh noice
ruckus - noisy disturbance
hibernate - inactive state
archeologist - studies man's past
Vocabulary Exercises 27
incidental - accidental
predicament - situation that is hard to get out of
dietitian - specialist in nutrition
waders - waterproof boots
poacher - one that kills animals illegally
sloughs - places of deep mud
briar - thorny stem
haven - safe place
gauged - estimated
commute - travel back and forth
mystical - spiritual meaning
biologist - those who study living things
random - determined by chance
audible - heard
semi-dormant - half asleep
Vocabulary Exercises 28
frigid - intensely cold
refuge - shelter
unsociable - unfriendly
conservancy - preserve of natural resources
soberly - seriously
pointed - definite meaning
flank - fleshy part near the ribs
burly - heavily built
mannequin - plastic person
disfigure - to mar the appearance
stealthy - sneaky
fishtail - swing from side to side
intimidate - make fearful
gallivanting - roaming
data - information
Vocabulary Exercises 29
compel - to make someone do something
gingerly - carefully
cubicle - small space
skeptical - attitude of doubt
heart-wrenching - very emotional
microfiche - sheet of microfilm
honorary - having distinction
psychic - supernatural forces
laden - burdened
retreat - withdrawal
hypnotizing - mesmerizing
habitat - living environment
vivid - lively
ebony - dark
vicinity - near
Vocabulary Exercises 30
dedicated - committed to a goal
rafters - beams that support
shard - fragment of a brittle substance
sanctuary - protection
boycott - refusal to do something
simmer - stew gently
mute - to muffle or make quiet
resign - give up deliberately
manufacture - to make something
rivulets - small streams
dilemma - problem
cackle - to laugh harshly
trauma - disturbing event
sullen - depressed
hobgoblin - mischievous elf
Vocabulary Exercises 31
levering - prying
dentures - false set of teeth
sinewy - stringy
caterwauling - harsh crying
cockfight - fighting gamecocks
daubed - coated
cascade - small waterfall
score - account
throaty - sound uttered low and rasping
slog - hit hard
rogue - dishonest person
simper smile in a silly manner
taproot - root that grows downward
taunt - insult
meringue - sweet topping
Vocabulary Exercises 32
cantankerous - grouchy
catcall - loud cry
meandered - walk along without direction
abominable - disgusting
privy - outhouse
impudence - rudeness
dovecote - box for domestic pigeons
tunic - loose cloak
skeins - loosely coiled yarn
grievances - complaints
shamming - pretending
betrothal - engagement
wimple - cloth covering over the head
morose - gloomy
odious - extremely unlikable
Vocabulary Exercises 33
addled - confused
contemplating - deciding
spectacle - eye-catching
gibberish - foolish talk
tedious - repetitive
harrowing - vexing
rapturous - ecstatic
menagerie - collection of animals
babbling - talking excessively
cairn - marker
slather - a great amount
doleful - mournful
adage - wise saying
embroil - entangle
succinct - concise
Vocabulary Exercises 34
minutia - trivial detail
capsize - to overturn
frowzy - unkempt
peon - menial worker
ensnare - to catch
lavish - to give abundantly
finagle - to obtain
peripatetic - traveling on foot
lapse - to be no longer valid
excoriate - to tear
fluent - express oneself readily
charisma - personal appeal
regress - move backward
articulate - express oneself clearly
Vocabulary Exercises 35
beacon - guiding device
cajole - flatter
lucid - sane or rational
mentor - trusted counselor
retinue - body of assistants
burgeon - blossom
histrionic - melodramatic
psyche - having to do with the soul
advocate - to plead in favor
salutary - beneficial
conclave - private meeting
deflect - to turn aside
pernicious - wicked
missive - written communication
extol - praise highly
Vocabulary Exercises 36
whet - sharpen by rubbing
transient - passing quckly
complacency - quiet satisfaction
scrutinize - look at very carefully
serene - calm
assurance - confidence
terrestrial - of the earth
molten - liquefied by heat
animated - very lively
superficial - not deep
eloquent - expressive
palpitate - tremble
fertile - fruitful
unanimity - complete agreement
fluctuate - continually changing
Vocabulary Exercises 37
incandescent - very bright
velocity - speed
vigil - determined watchfulness
audible - can be heard
recede - move back
calamity - misery
scoff - express mocking contempt
adjacent - near or close
jubilant - triumphant
tranquil - calm
dun - dull grayish brown
incrustation - crust
circumference - boundary of a circular object
irresolute - wavering in purpose
diameter - width of a circular object
Vocabulary Exercises 38
ascribe - assign something to
consolation - making less sad
embed - set firmly
inanimate - not moving
evident - plain
rouse - awake
impediment - hinders a certain action
excavation - expose by digging
concussion - violent blow
cavity - hole
billowy - surge
inarticulate - speak poorly
petrify - paralyze with fear
deliberation - slowness and with care
aperture - opening
Vocabulary Exercises 39
renew - make new
impulse - sudden inclination
multitude - large number of persons
derelict - abandoned
accost - approach to speak
composition - makeup
derive - to receive
intermittent - stopping and starting
pallid - faint in color
drone - continuous buzzing sound
impinge - strike
inevitable - certain to happen
stupefy - stun
undulate - move as if in waves
verge - edge
Vocabulary Exercises 40
combustible - flammable
incontinently - able to restrain
trivial - insignificant
deter - discourage someone
smite - strike hard
perplexed - puzzled
detachment - separation
incongruity - having a lack of harmony
haggard - worn look
allay - lessen
albeit - even though
invigorate - energize
indisputably - unquestionably
dispense - do away with
exertion - energetic activity
Vocabulary Exercises 41
timidity - state of shyness
citizenship - conduct within the community
cooperation - working together
school pride - satisfaction in your school's achievements
respect - regard highly
self-respect - positive opinion of oneself
courage - bravery
commitment - binding oneself
loyalty - faithfulness
determination - firm of purpose
trustworthy - responsible
tolerance - permitting something
empathy - understand what another person is feeling
kindness - being friendly and sympathetic
gratitude - thankfulness
Vocabulary Exercises 42
generosity - unselfishness
diligence - steady manner
creativity - originality
initiative - first step
work ethic - positive attitude towards work
punctuality - promptness
perseverance - continuing in spite of difficulties
reliability - honoring commitments
courtesy - well-mannered
honesty - truthfulness
fairness - impartiality
patience - waiting calmly and quietly
cleanliness - free from dirt
self-control - mastering one's actions
compassion - showing pity
Vocabulary Exercises 43
independent - self-reliant
wisdom - accumulated learning
virtue - moral excellence
dependability - reliability
sportsmanship - winning or losing positively
cheerfulness - good humored
patriotism - love of country
absurd - unreasonable
access - approach
acclaim - to approve
acquiesce - to agree
advocate - to support
aloof - disinterested
ambiguous - unclear
Vocabulary Exercises 44
analogy - comparison
analysis - examination of something
anarchy - lawlessness
apathy - lack of emotion
arbitrary - whimsical
arrogant - overly proud
articulate - to speak distinctly
augment - to add to
authentic - genuine
baffle - to perplex
benevolent - intending to do good
bias - prejudice
censor - to ban
censure - an official reprimand
circumlocution - to evade with words
Vocabulary Exercises 45
coherent - logical
competent - fit
contempt - disdain
deference - respect
denounce - condemn
deter - discourage
deviate - turn aside from
discern - distinguish
discriminate - distinguish
disdain - despise
disparage - discredit
dispute - to call into question
distort - twist out of the true meaning
diverse - differing from one another
dogma - doctrine
Vocabulary Exercises 46
fluctuate - shift back and forth
futile - unproductive
hostile - unfriendly
hypocrite - who fakes virtue
hypothesis - tentative assumption
immense - enormous
impose - compel
indifferent - without interest
indulge - pamper
inevitable - incapable of being avoided
infer - hint
innocuous - inoffensive
innovate - introduce something new
intense - extreme
manipulate - to control skillfully
Vocabulary Exercises 47
pandemonium - chaos
benevolence - kindness
barter - to trade
culture - way of life of a group
whimsical - impulsive
lagoon - pool of water
tributary - small stream
delta - mouth of a river
longitude - east-west direction on the globe
equator - north-south line around the middle of the Eath
topographic - map that shows the relief of the land
contour lines - lines that connect points of equal elevation
epicenter - point directly above an earthquake
harbor - seaport
plains - flat land
Vocabulary Exercises 48
ocean - body of salt water
volcano - opening in the Earth
valley - low land between hills
reef - ridge that lies near the surface of a sea
rapids - fast moving part of a river
swamp - low, wet lands
floodplain - land that is flooded by a river
cape - land that extends into water
sea - body of salt water
lake - body of fresh water with land on all sides
range - chain of mountains
canyon - deep, narrow valley
mesa - flat-topped mountain
waterfall - steep drop from a high place
cave - hollow passage in the earth
Vocabulary Exercises 49
wetlands - land saturated with water
foothills - hilly area at the base of a mountain
gap - passage through mountains
inlet - narrow passage of water
marsh - lowland with moist soil
peak - pointed summit of a mountain
tributary - river that empties into a larger river
product - answer to a multiplication problem
quotient - answer to a division problem
square root - any number times itself
exponent - how many times a number is used as a factor
variable - letter that represents a number
consecutive - one after another
formula - mathematical equation
estimate - educated guess
Vocabulary Exercises 50
base - lowest point or number
integers - whole numbers
positive number - any number greater than zero
negative number - any number less than zero
opposite numbers - negative and positive of a number
absolute value - distance from zero on the number line
simplify - reduce completely
evaluate - find the value of a variable expression
substitution - put in place of
percent - number compared to one hundred
meter - basic unit of length in the metric system
gram - basic unit of mass
liter - basic unit of capacity
Vocabulary Exercises 51
deci 1/10
centi 1/100
milli 1/1000
metric - system of measurement
proper fraction - fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator
improper fraction - fraction whose numerator is greater that denominator
mixed number - whole number and a fraction
foot - 12 inches
yard - 3 feet
mile - 5,280 feet
pound - 16 ounces
Vocabulary Exercises 52
ton - 2,000 pounds
cup - 8 fluid ounces
pint - 2 cups
quart - 2 pints
gallon - 4 quarts
ratio - comparison of one number to another
quadrant - section of the coordinate plane
plot - mark points on a graph
trojan horse - hidden instructions inside a computer program
hacker - someone who breaks into a computer system
Vocabulary Exercises 53
reboot - restart
gigabyte - one billion bytes of information
tutorial - program of instruction
WYSIWYG - word-processing system
encrypt - scramble computerized information
header - information at the top margin
footer - information at the bottom of a page
executable - computer file that will perform a tast
buffer - used to store data
online - connected to a computer network
character - symbol such as a letter
byte - a small unit of measure of computer memory
upload - to transfer data from a computer
download - to transfer data to a computer
Vocabulary Exercises 54
command - causes a computer to do a task
delete - to remove
document - text file
file - stored document
format - to divide in sectors for data storage
graphics - pictures
hard copy - a document that is printed on paper
input - information given to a computer
insert - process of adding
memory - computer storage capacity
menu - list of functions that a computer performs
Vocabulary Exercises 55
word wrap - automatic movement of a word to the next line
output - the final document
printout - document printed on paper
proofreading - finding mistake or errors in your copy
software - set of programmed instructions
word processing - text data
edit - to modify data
e-mail - electronic mail
digital - camera a camera which uses a chip to store images
hard drive - magnetic metal disk that stores data
hardware - physical parts of the computer
Vocabulary Exercises 56
web site - a location on the world wide web
modem - device that connects the computer to a communications system
mouse - pointing device
multimedia - graphics and sound
online - connected to a computer network
PC - personal computer
scanner - device that copies an image
port - computer connection hardware
scroll - to move through text or graphics
software - computer programs
word processor - application that outputs text data
ply - provide insistently
decapitate - to remove one's head
Vocabulary Exercises 57
whinnies - horse sound
bridle - horse's harness for the head
stirrups - rings that a horse rider's feet fit in
gallop - to go very fast
straddle t - o sit with one leg on each side
meadow - grassy land
reluctant - holding back
skillets - frying pans
rodeo - riding and roping contest
utensils - tools used in cooking
satisfied - having no doubts
confidently - feeling sure of yourself
appearance - the way something looks
summoned - being called
progress - moving forward
Vocabulary Exercises 58
failure - not successful
conscious - being aware
resist - go against
remarkable - amazing
particularly - distinct or different
accord - being in agreement
request - ask for
immediately - right now
available - able to be used now
sensation - feeling
disaster - terrible loss
enchanted - magically delighted
acrobats - trapeze artists
agent - representing another
boardinghouse - furnished rooms and meals
Vocabulary Exercises 59
protegee - guided by someone
wavering - moving back and forth
trance - dreamlike state
Parliament - British legislature
allies - friends in war
taxes - money paid to the government
authority - control
tariff - tax on imported goods
represent - acting for someone else
treason - betraying one’s government
petitions - signed requests for
boycott - refusal to buy
congress - meeting of elected representatives
repealed - taken back
massacre - killing many defenseless people
Vocabulary Exercises 60
blockade - barring entry by ships
quarter - soldier's housing
rights - irrevocable freedoms
inutemen - soldiers available on short notice
patriots - loyal to one’s nation
dread - to wait with fear
recovery - return to being well
prospecting - looking for gold
citizen - member of a country
occupation - person's job
ransack - messy search
herb - useful plant
expression - look on the face
emigrant - person leaving his country
grant - something that is given
Vocabulary Exercises 61
impatient - unwillingness to wait
despair - loss of hope
succeed - complete
frontier - edge of an unknown land
determination - decided action
cautiously - carefully
supply - to give what is needed
appeal - to ask for
supervise - to watch over
settlers - pioneers in a new area
assure - to make confident
stunned - shocked
opportunities - chances to do something
demonstration - public display
Vocabulary Exercises 62
muffle - to deaden sound
partition - something that divides
prowls - roams quietly
prose - anything not poetry
anxiously - nervously
nonchalant - unconcerned
sarcastically - in a mocking tone
laughingstock - object of ridicule
culprit - guilty person
privileges - special rights
groveling - crawling face-down
cringe - to shrink back
propeller - rotating blades
pneumonia - disease of the lungs
flustered - confused
Vocabulary Exercises 63
mariners - sailors
vessels - ships
provisions - supplies of food
unfurled - unfolded
mutiny - rebellion against authority
forfeited - given up
reckon - compute or calculate
orator - public speaker
spectators - persons watching an event
transfixed - motionless
vetoed - rejected by authority
resolutions - personal goals
adjourned - ended a session
astronomy - study of heavenly bodies
yield - produce
Vocabulary Exercises 64
unraveling - becoming undone
eclipse - complete or partial hiding
almanac - yearly book of facts
edition - copies printed at one time
abolitionist - slavery opponent
monarch - royal ruler
here - in this place
little - small
this - thing being mentioned
mother - female parent
play - to have fun
trunk - long snout
cake - baked dessert
Vocabulary Exercises 65
artist - one who paints or draws
meadow - grassy field
paintings - pictures not drawn with pen or pencil
brook - small stream
season - part of the year
real - not imagined
talking - speaking
stretching - spreading out
brilliant - bright
cover - hide under something
delighted - very happy
horrible - terrible
replied - answered
weaving - winding in and out
crawled - moved slowly
Vocabulary Exercises 66
tend - to take care of
finally - at last
disappear - to move out of sight
strange - unusual
through - into and out of
relatives - people in the same family
wrinkle - crooked fold
hour - sixty minutes
few - not many
bullying - threatening
family - people related to each another
buy - to purchase
new - not old
grown - larger
weather - outside conditions
Vocabulary Exercises 67
knit - to made with yarn
barbecue - meat roasted on an open fire
jeans - tough cotton pants
adventure - an exciting experience
whole - complete or entire
harbor - sheltered body of water
soar - fly very high
surround - shut in on all sides
believe - to trust in
practice - training by repeating
remember - to keep in memory
cousin - child of your aunt or uncle
building - structure
country - land of a nation
say - to speak
Vocabulary Exercises 68
touch - physical contact
bore - make a hole
impatient - not wanting to wait
replied - answered
squeeze - press between something
thorn - sharp sticker on a plant
lazy - not willing to work
hungry - feeling a need for food
full - able to hold no more
angry - feeling or showing displeasure
ridiculous - foolish and comical
draw - to make a picture
thought - idea
music - pleasant expressive sounds
instrument - something making musical sounds
Vocabulary Exercises 69
squawk - shrill or harsh sound
poem - writing in verse
entertain - to amuse
performance - musical or theatrical presentation
foolish - not having good sense
feather - covering on bird's body
spread - to stretch out
balance - steady position
foot - lowest part of the leg
canyon - deep narrow valley
cringed - crouch in fear
consumer - user of goods or services
error - mistake
released - set free
lame - not able to walk well
Vocabulary Exercises 70
sly - sneaky or clever
sturdy - strong
astonishment - amazement
proud - feeling good about yourself
special - very important
knew - having the facts
borrow - temporary use something
enough - all that is needed
heard - listened to
dike - dam made of dirt
announced - said or told
blinding - hard to see through
flooded covered with water
village - small town
cranes - large water birds
Vocabulary Exercises 71
women - female humans
clever - sly and resourceful
greedy - wanting too much
tricky - sly
courage - overcoming fear
attempt - to make an effort
trees - large, woody plants
short - not long or tall
live - to exist
way - certain path
leaves - green parts of a plant
turn - to move in a different direction
soft - not hard
their - belonging to them
Vocabulary Exercises 72
feel - to know by touch
nervous - restless or tense
allowance - something granted
postcards - cards mailed without an envelope
yawn - expression of tiredness
knapsack - backpack
advice - guidance
realistic - showing things as they are
haze - fog or cloud
device - an instrument or tool
chemical - made from changed substances
ingredients - parts of a mixture
silo - storage tower
mechanical - like a machine
millennium - one thousand years
Vocabulary Exercises 73
descendant - person born from an ancestor
oppression - force or subjugation
discrimination - extreme favoritism in actions or attitude
nectar - sweet liquid made by flowers
production - process of making something
conquer - to overpower
current - flow of water
cycle - repeating set of events
endangered - threatened
installed - set up correctly
engineering - planning and building
cocoon - covering around a pupa
orphanage - place for homeless children
wigwam - Indian tent
Vocabulary Exercises 74
squaw - American Indian woman
papoose - Native American baby
legend - supernatural story
excavate - to dig up
dugout - Indian log boat
mesas - steep hills with flat tops
adobe - made of clay
cultivate - grow plants
accomplishment - achievement
founded - established
formal - following established customs
piety - religious devotion
ingenious - clever
compulsory - enforced
baritone - male voice above a bass
Vocabulary Exercises 75
entitled - having the right to something
landscape - stretch of natural scenery on land
pros - advantages
cons - disadvantages
bolster - support or strengthen
residential - used for homes
ancestors - people one is descended from
prosperous - having success
synthetic - man-made with chemicals
poultry - birds raised for food
communal - belonging to a group
harvest - gather a crop
perpetuate - cause to be continued
industrious - steadily working hard
competently - skillfully
Vocabulary Exercises 76
emphasize - give special attention to
deprive - keep from having
dialect - localized form of a language
tolerate - allow
monsoon - strong seasonal wind
sacrifice - giving up of something
commemorate - honor the memory of
restoration - act of bringing back
conservation - preserving something
inhabit - to live in
irrigation - supplying land with water
nutrients - substances that provide nourishment
distribution - area over which something is spread
ecosystems - specific environment
impact - effect of an action
Vocabulary Exercises 77
vegetation - plant life
desolate - barren or deserted
broadcaster - person sending messages electronically
exclusively - particular way
blackmail - to get something by threatening
evading - avoiding
mute - silent
impose - to enforce
stragglers - those lagging behind
violated - failed to follow
influence - ability to affect what others do
neutral - taking neither side
truce - temporary halt in fighting
recital - musical performance
stage fright - fear of performing
Vocabulary Exercises 78
kneaded - pressed with the hands
quartet - four musicians who perform together
ensemble - group of musicians who perform together
professional - specially trained
scales - series of musical tones
tempo - speed of music
intonation - ability to play notes in tune
symphony - long piece of music in four parts
inquire - investigate
dreadful - terrible
eccentricities - odd behaviors
peculiar - odd
uproar - noisy confusion
appreciate - show gratitude
congruent - same shape and size
Vocabulary Exercises 79
dodge - move quickly aside
rescue - save from danger
taunt - to tease
source - origin
eliminate - to get rid of
famished - starving
produce - to make
purchase - to buy something
discover - to find something
curtain - window covering
break - to crack into pieces
piece - part of a whole
wondered c - urious about something
rescue - save from harm
Vocabulary Exercises 80
strong - powerful
appear - come into sight
spare - extra
brought - carried with one
perfect - just right
company - with others
without - not having
sure - positive
enjoyed - pleased with
explained - told about something
sighed - long sad breath
lonely - sad about being by yourself
decided - made up one's mind
important - necessary or valuable
change - to make different
Vocabulary Exercises 81
dangling - swinging loosely
noise - loud sounds
coin - metal piece of money
tour - a trip visiting places
solar system - the Sun and the planets
aboard - on something
guide - person leading a trip
already - before now
dangerous - unsafe
thunder - loud noise in a storm
rotates - turns in a circle
orbit - planet’s path around a sun
astronomer - solar system expert
fiercest - wildest
bargain - a deal
Vocabulary Exercises 82
jungle - land thickly covered with plants
kind - type
mind - to care about or obey
group - number of things together
scare - make afraid
lie - to rest by not standing or to no tell the truth
planets - larger bodies that orbit a star
produce - to make
larger bigger in size
weigh - to measure weight
meteorite - an object striking the earth from space
crater - deep hole
comet - object of gas and dust orbiting the sun
future - time that hasn't happened yet
Vocabulary Exercises 83
discovered - found out
neighbors - people who live near one another
different - not the same
scratched - scraped
veterinarian - doctor that takes care of animals
people - persons
caught - captured
discover - find out
biography - story of a person's life
bald - having no hair on head
protect - guard
argument - disagreement
advantage - something that is helpful
between - space that separates
Vocabulary Exercises 84
pity - sympathy or sorrow
fair - not favoring more than another
quarrel - angry dispute
accept - take what is given
penalty - punishment
horizon - line where sky meets earth
jeer - to taunt
particular - specific or exact
underground - below the earth ‘s surface
layers - levels
shower - brief fall of rain
destroy - to ruin completely
pounded - hit hard repeatedly
eon - age in the earth's history
countless - too many to be counted
Vocabulary Exercises 85
raging - moving with violent force
mountain - high hill
sometimes - not always
air - gases that we breathe
against - in opposition
shoes - coverings for the feet
start - to begin
dough - mixture of flour and water
slowly - not fast
minute - short period of 60 seconds
presents - gifts
stomach - where food is digested in the body
delicious - very good to taste
mouthful - as much as can be held in the mouth at one time
bale - large bundle of material
Vocabulary Exercises 86
fault - blame or cause
pause - short stop
spare - to keep from harming
pouch - fold of skin like a bag
freight - goods transported
shove - push
busy f - ull of activity
shrieked - screamed
shoulder - part of the body below the neck
silly - ridiculous
couple - two
secure - safe
boast - to speak too well of yourself
commotion - excitement and confusion
demand - ask forcefully
Vocabulary Exercises 87
lose - not have any longer
tone - quality of sound
bore - to make a hole
loon - duck-like bird
nip - pinch
compose - make up
stockade - high, strong fence
howl - a long and sad cry
cause - to make something happen
duty - obligation
ferocious - savage
literate - able to read and write
minuscule - very small
nonfiction - prose works based on facts
fiction - an imagined story
Vocabulary Exercises 88
obstinate - stubborn
sibling - brother or sister
suspense - anxiety
vermin - animal pests
aviator - pilot
territory - land ruled by a nation
smuggling - illegally transporting goods
dire - terrible
condemned - strongly disapproved
dismal - gloomy or depressing
campus - grounds of a school
somberly - sadly
address - speech
establish - to set up
concoction - mixture of things
Vocabulary Exercises 89
scour - search extensively
maneuver - move skillfully
donation - contribution
landmark - outstanding or well-know object
turbulence - violent atmospheric condition
indicate - to show
visualize - to form a mental picture
transmission - sending a message
static - radio noises
vague - not distinct
abated - lessened
troupe - company or group
ruts - grooves in the ground
revived - returned to life
vanity - excessive pride
Vocabulary Exercises 90
source - point of origin
populated - filled with inhabitants
revolutionary - radical change
disarray - state of disorder
helter-skelter - haphazardly
assaults - attacks
camphor - smelly white powder
loll - rest in a lazy way
eddies - currents that move with the main current
reservoirs - storage place for liquid
elated - happy
perverse - opposite of right
indomitable - unconquerable
recede - to move away
falter - to loose force
Vocabulary Exercises 91
burly - muscular
perilous - full of dangers
cavernous - resembling a cave
enveloped - completely surrounded
homely - plain
kingfisher - fish eating bird
comprehend - understand
luxurious - something pleasurable
parson - clergyman
vigorous - lively
penetrate - pierce
infield - playing area of a baseball field
nonviolence - absence of violence
unable - cannot do
recite - to repeat from memory
Vocabulary Exercises 92
defrost - thaw
cherish - love
disturb - to make uneasy
lock - to bind tightly
multiply - increase in number
nourish - to feed
overcome - conquer
pause - stop for a short time
smudge - smear or blur
efficient - effective without waste
false - wrong
ignore - disregard
misery - great pain or suffering
Vocabulary Exercises 93
partition - divider
smooth - even and unwrinkled
telescope - instrument that magnifies distant objects
utensil - implement
bacteria - single-celled microscopic organisms
canyon - deep narrow valley
decibel - measure for sound volume
fertile - productive soil
noun - person, place, or thing
quarrel - argument
signature - written name of person
treaty - agreement
rent - money paid for use of property
Vocabulary Exercises 94
shear - cut wool off a sheep
debt - money that is owed
Vicar - preacher or priest
bluff - high bank or cliff
interpreter - person that translates languages
sentinel - guard
peg - wooden nail
abstain - do without
aquarium - container for fish
battle - fight or conflict
carpenter - person who builds things with wood
engineer - person who plans and builds structures
hobby - something a person does for fun
lumberjack - person who chops down trees
recruit - person who has recently joined
Vocabulary Exercises 95
politician - person who runs for a political office
bailiff - officer of a court
smoldering - burning and smoking with little flame
wondrous - marvelous
emerges - breaks through
generations - family members around the same age
pollen - fine powder from flowers
canopy - covering
humiliation - causing shame shame
heroine - main female character
abandon - to leave behind
translation - something changed to another language
breed - one partricular kind of animal
ramble - to go on and on
Vocabulary Exercises 96
passerby - person who is moving by
instinct - natural feeling
patrol - secure an area
talent - something someone can do well
avalanche - sliding of material down a hillside
victim - person who has been hurt
suffocate - to die from not breathing
conscious - awake and alert
audition - to try out for a part
applause - clapping of hands
volunteer person who freely gives time
scenery - stage backgrounds
hostility - hate or dislike
disgrace - to bring shame upon
Vocabulary Exercises 97
stalk - follow without being seen
wandering - traveling from place to place
adapt - adjust to
survival the act of staying alive
technique - special way to do something
disguising - changing appearance
surroundings - place around something
enables - allows
mimic - copy
resemble - to look like
noticeable - easily seen
Vocabulary Exercises 98
sculpted - carved by an artist
mantle - cape like covering
era - long period of time
reside - to live
rodents - animals such as mice
sparkling - gleaming or shining
jewel - valuable stone or gem
countryside - rural area
record - permanent evidence
aware - having knowledge
recall - to remember
drift - move along on a current of air or water
Vocabulary Exercises 99
capture - catch and hold
responsible - being the cause of something
drab - dull
impossible - unable to happen
imitate - follow the example of
achiever - someone who reaches a goal
success - achievement
career - profession
package - box used for delivery
pasture - grassy field for farm animals
ankles - joints where feet meet legs
damage - harm
advise - offer helpful suggestions
frightened - afraid
Vocabulary Exercises 100
lightning - visible discharge in the sky
electricity - energy from the flow of electrons
shiver - shake
realized - understood completely
stubborn - unwilling to change
shadow - area of darkness
frozen - turned to ice or motionless
crane - machine that lifts heavy objects
property - piece of land
program - plan
petition - request
sprinkling - spreading or scattering
cunning - clever
weave - to interlace
pluck - pick by pulling off
Vocabulary Exercises 101
sunset - time when the sun disappears
plump - chubby
dusk - time when darkness begins
escape - to break free or run away
desert - large region of sand
tumbleweeds - dead rolling plants
fortune - success
grazing - eating grass and other plants
swallow - transporting food from the mouth to the stomach
comfortable - relaxed without pain
ledge - shelf-like rock on a mountain
image - picture
curious - wanting to know more
view - what can be seen
echoes - repeated sounds
Vocabulary Exercises 102
spy - to see without being seen
peering - looking in a searching way
blind - unable to see
peculiar - unique
identified - named or discovered
creatures - living beings
exist - to live
extinction - when no member of a species survives
populations - certain living things in a certain place
underground - below the earth’s surface
tame - gentle and meek
energy - power to do work
affect - have an influence on
Vocabulary Exercises 103
theory - explanation backed by testing
gem - valuable mineral
ore - mineral containing a useful substance
luster - shininess
density - amount per unit of measure
properties - things that can be described about an object
atom - smallest component of an element
Vocabulary Exercises 104
electron - negative part of atom outside nucleus
proton - positive part of atom inside nucleus
characterization - vivid description
connotation - emotional added meaning to a word
denotation - exaction definition to a word
figurative - non-literal language
flashback - part of a story that already happened
imagery - language that describes something
inference - reasonable conclusion
inversion - reversal of the usual order
irony - sarcasm or an unexpected outcome
metaphor - comparison between two unlike things
cacophony - harsh jarring sound
coherent - consistent and logical
dilution - weakened substance
Vocabulary Exercises 105
drastically - extremely
enigmatic - perplexing
indigenous - native to an area
metabolism - chemical reactions in living things
ingestion - taking in food
digestion - breaking food down
respiration - breathing
excretion - getting rid of waste materials
available - ready for use
cater - to satisfy the needs of
customary - usual or expected
dissuade - persuade not to do something
firebrand - troublemaker
hazard - danger
homicide - murder
Vocabulary Exercises 106
humane - showing sympathy for others
indifference - lack of interest or concern
indignant - anger over something unjust
indispensable - absolutely necessary
lubricate - to apply oil or grease
mutual - shared equally
pelt - strike successively
plague - easily spread disease causing deaths
poised - balanced
regime - government in power
retard - to make slow
transparent - allowing light through
unscathed - wholly unharmed
polygon - closed figure with three or more sides
majority - greater part
Vocabulary Exercises 107
definite - precise
symbol - something that represents something else
doubtful - uncertain
navigator - person who charts the course
deny - refuse to give
twilight - time immediately after sunset
reliable - dependable
absent - not present
analyze - study
accidentally - not on purpose
embarrass - humiliate
misspell - spell incorrectly
adherent - supporter or follower
Vocabulary Exercises 108
daunt - frighten
tranquility - calmness
virago - quarrelsome woman
persecution - affliction
flagon - container for liquids
quaff - drink heartily
lore - traditional knowledge
morrow - the next day
surcease - to come to an end
entreat - ask earnestly
obeisance - deference or homage
beguile - to trick
countenance - appearance
craven - cowardly
discourse - long communication
Vocabulary Exercises 109
placid - peaceful
melancholy - gloomy state of mind
ominous - portending evil or harm
plutonian - like the underworld
pallid - pale
chamber - room
invest - to put into
dynasty - family of rulers
pagoda - tall Asian shrine
empire - groups of lands under the rule of one ruler
academic - relating to education
clarify - to make clear
confide - totell something in secret
disclose - to uncover
Vocabulary Exercises 110
enlighten - to inform
expound - to make a detailed statement on a topic
ingrained - impressed firmly on the mind
sage - wise and respected person
seminar - conference where a specific topic is discussed
abridge - to shorten
browse - to look casually
citation - quotation from a reliable source
compendium - short but complete summary
etymology - study of the origin of words
gazetteer - geographical dictionary
glossary - alphabetical list of words in the back of a book
abash - embarrass
Vocabulary Exercises 111
activate - start
adept - expert
adjacent - directly next to
advent - coming event
affliction - misery
allay - lessen
alliance - union for a common purpose
amity - friendliness
anecdote - brief story
appalling - terrible
anonymous - unidentified
appropriate - suitable
aristocrat - nobility
arrogance - excessive pride
Vocabulary Exercises 112
articulate - speak clearly
aspiration - strong desire
scenario - rough script
taunt - reproach with insults
expansion - act of expanding
emphatic - strongly expressive
deny - declare something to be untrue
intersect - meet at a point of crossing
insignia - emblem
sponsor - one who supports
publicity - bringing something to the public's attention
offensive - act of attacking
abandoned left behind
breeds - particular kinds of animals
companion - close associate
Vocabulary Exercises 113
rambles - going on and on
originated - came into being
instincts - natural tendencies
patrol - check for trouble
talent - special natural ability
avalanches - large mass sliding down a hillside
victim - someone who is injured
suffocate - to die from lack of air
conscious - awake
audition - to try out
father - male parent
pony - small horse
wanted - desired
Vocabulary Exercises 114
opportunitie - chance to do something
supply - furnish what is needed
dreaded - greatly feared
miniature - tiny version
quality - degree of excellence
nourish - keep alive and healthy
mechanical - operated by a machine
yield - amount produced
nectar - sweet liquid found in flowers
remedies - cures
production - process of making something
oppression - cruel and unfair treatment
untidy - messy
discovered - found out
Vocabulary Exercises 115
exclude - shut out
disapprove - show dislike
inactive - idle
inaccurate - wrong
dishonest - deceitful
expedition - journey for a purpose
extinct - no longer living
incomplete - not finished
untied - not fastened
incorrect - not right
unpack - to take things out
unseen - not visible
except - instead of
unhealthy - not well
universe - everything that exists
Vocabulary Exercises 116
exploration - travel for the purpose discovery
disinfectant - used to destroy germs
international - between nations
babble - make meaningless sounds
badge - distinctive emblem
baggage - luggage a traveler takes on a trip
bakery - place baked goods are made
ballot - form used to cast a vote
balance - equality between opposing forces
baton - wand used by a musical conductor
priest - religious leader
temple - place of worship
principal - highest in importance
Vocabulary Exercises 117
shinny - to climb
slimy - covered with filth
stationing - assigning a certain spot
venture - proceed in face of danger
pantry - closet where food is kept
reputation - how the public views a person
style - manner of doing something
exercises - training by repetition and review
sprint - race covering a short distance
gurgling - making a flowing or low sound
spade - digging tool
churn - to stir quickly
patchwork - many small pieces sewn together
umbrella - hand-held canopy
struggle - difficult task
Vocabulary Exercises 118
compass - direction determining device
tough - rugged
general - high officer
carnival - fair or festival
several - quite a few
ceramics - type of pottery
classical - arts in a past era
daub - apply paint with crude strokes
medley - mixture
melodious - pleasant to hear
orchestrate - organize
palette - thin board for mixing paints
pantomime - acting with gestures
texture - feel of the surface of an object
geologist - scientist who studies rocks
Vocabulary Exercises 119
mine - extracting minerals from the ground
forbidden - not allowed
accidental - happening by chance
vein - long deposit of underground metal
allusion - indirect mention of something
dialogue - conversation
foreshadow - foretell or bode
anthology - collection of writings
serialize - present one part of a story at a time
volume - relative amount
episode - part in a series
image - vivid description
pseudonym - pen name
literary - referring to books and writing
commission - share of the profit
Vocabulary Exercises 120
interest - charge for the use of money
principal - amount borrowed in a loan
flex - bend
mono - prefix meaning "one"
phonetics - study of the sounds of language
deign - condescend
pragmatic - practical
ambiance - special atmosphere
tout - publicize
obsequious - groveling
prospect - possibility
ingratiate - gain favor
Vocabulary Exercises 121
voracious - eating a lot
manifesto - declaration of principles
vaunt - brag about
cynical - showing scorn
apprehensive - uneasy
confide - to reveal in private
retrospective - contemplating
annals - chronological record of the events
implore - to beg for earnestly
fortuitous - fortunate
invective - abusive language
rue - feel regret
avarice - greed
trappings - articles of dress
Vocabulary Exercises 122
condescend - lower oneself
drivel - talk childishly
disseminate - to spread
lustrous - shiny
envelop - enclose with a covering
iridescent - display of lustrous colors
rancor - bitter
malignant - disposed to do evil
curmudgeon - ill-tempered person
degrade - demote
exalt - glorify, praise, or honor
slough - swamp
discern - detect
Vocabulary Exercises 123
baleful - ominous
pall - cover for a coffin
shimmer - glimmer
precarious - based on uncertain premises
misdemeanor - offense less serious than a felony
fester - to decay
sanguine - color of blood
maelstrom - violent situation
disclose - to make known
jaundice - yellowish coloring of the eyes and skin
toehold - slight advantage
void - emptiness
specter - ghost
destitute - lacking necessary things
implored - begged
Vocabulary Exercises 124
blemish - physical defect
misanthrope - someone who does not like people
ponderous - unyielding
trifle - something of little value
wrench - twist or pull
covetous - greedy
solemnize - honor or remember
bestow - give
dismal - gloomy and dark
resolute - determined
endeavor - to try
insomniac - person who is unable to sleep
deliquesce - melt away
homage - anything done to show honor
compulsion - feeling of having to do something
Vocabulary Exercises 125
wizened - old
preserve - maintain
astonish - surprise
confidentially - secretly
seethe - bubble or boil
consequence - result of an action
vacant - not occupied
wane - to become less
repent - feel sorry for
subcontinent - large landmass
jute - plant fiber used in making rope
teak - tropical wood used in furniture
beleaguer - beset with difficulties
Vocabulary Exercises 126
spasmodically - abruptly
ascetic - very self-disciplined person
fanatic - zealot
draught - long spell of dry weather
ruse - trick
remorse - torturing sense of guilt
concussion - shock from impact
acute - sharp and quick
conceive - develop in the mind
dissimulation - act of hiding
profound - marked by intellectual depth
sagacity - intelligence
stifle - hold back
Vocabulary Exercises 127
supposition - assumption
stalk - approach an stealthily
vex - trouble
suavity - graceful politeness
audacity - aggressive courage
vehemently - violently
derision - contempt or ridicule
anxiety - extreme nervousness
crevice - crack or narrow hole
fluently - clearly
hearkening - listening carefully
hypocritical - pretending
mockery - mean spirited joking
proceeded - went forward
pulsation - rhythmic beating
Vocabulary Exercises 128
refrained - kept from doing something
conceive - develop in the mind
trait - characteristic
genetics - study of heredity
heredity - passing of traits to offspring
genes - specific portion of DNA
dominant - stronger
hue - color
province - territorial district
surmount - overcome an obstacle
obsequious - servile and flattering
termagant - quarrelsome
impunity - freedom from punishment
aversion - definite dislike
frolic - lively recreation
Vocabulary Exercises 129
pestilent - very harmful
disposition - temperament
incessantly - never stopping
eloquence - polished speech
tranquility - calmness
reciprocate - to return
fancy - whimsical imagination
transient - temporary
azure - blue colored
countenance - facial expression
addle - to make confused
bewilderment - hopelessly confused
comely - attractive
corroborate - support
Vocabulary Exercises 130
beleaguer - beset with difficulties
invalid - sickly person
thicket - thick growth of plants
sanction - permit
incredulous - skeptical