World History Events 400 BC - AD 1400

Wars between Greek states Athens and Sparta ending in Athen’s defeat in 404 BC.Peloponnesian Wars.
What empire gained control of the entire Mediterranean region around 146 BC?Rome.
The Punic Wars of the first and second centuries BC were between Rome and what city?Carthage.
What year was Jesus Christ crucified?AD 30.
What even led Roman Emperor Nero to first persecute Christians in AD 64?Great fire of Rome.
What 4th century heresy nearly engulfed the Catholic Church by denying the divinity of Christ?Arian.
What year did the Germanic king Odoacer conquer Rome brining about the fall of the Western Empire?AD 476.
What is the term for the ‘holy war’ that Islam used to rapidly spread their religion?Jihad.
The date that Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne the first Holy Roman Emperor.Christmas Day, AD 800.
The event which weakened the absolute authority of the medieval Catholic Church in the 14th century AD.Great Schism (rival claimants to the papacy).
The cause of the death of almost 25% of Europe’s population in the 14th century.Black death (bubonic plague).